


Infinity / Voces8

Relaxing music for quiet moments.

Lives up to the equally brilliant Black Mile to the Sun. A standout album about grief from one of the most consistent indie rock bands of the Millenium.

The Crimson Corridor / ZAO

ZAO have been around since the early ‘90s, and they bring that experience and confidence to every track on their 13th LP. Songs revolve thematically around the titular Crimson Corridor at the back of the mind. Listen to the standout track “Croatoan” above.

Iridescent / Silent Planet

Produced and mixed by the band, Iridescent honors the best aspects of punk music. This album is much more personal than their previous efforts which earned them the “learncore” moniker. Many of the songs center on a mental health emergency the frontman suffered on tour and the fallout of that experience.

Phanerozoic Live / The Ocean Collective

Two albums, two shows, two formats, and two thumbs up. The trend of bands playing their albums front-to-back is a wonderful treat for fans. There is so much information that can be derived from watching a live performance in HD. How something is played is half of the experience.


Hacking Legal Guardianship

Hacking Legal Guardianship

